The Commitment Outweighs the Opinion
We have discovered over the years of pastoring many couples live in this place call “my opinion”. Very rarely, no, I have never heard a couple say “my commitment” outweighs my opinion. We have seen couples over the years throw up their hands and be willing to walk away due to disagreements or not seeing eye-to-eye over individual opinions. Couples have even surmised they are not meant to be together or in many cases they think they have “falling out of love” because they have difference of opinions concerning many subjects.
Love is not constituted on if you agree with your spouses' opinion, ideas, or even the way they handle day-to-day situations. Love is based on the commitment of the heart to be committed to your union regardless of opinions. When you live from this place of "commitment" it makes life with your spouse more enjoyable. It's remarkable how once you settle it in your heart that "I am committed to my marriage", your agreement on many topics can just blend seamlessly!
When the decision is made from the place of commitment to be true pursuing a life together, there develops understanding of the other’s views and a shared conviction roots itself deeply.
Your views on many subjects move closer than ever before and soon enough, you find yourselves more alike, even on topics where your discussions used to lead to unresolved debates!
Often was it love first that brought two parties together, but now with effort and time invested in creating an agreement you have both come to realize that commitment digs a deeper form of love.
So believe it or not – when you have “settled it in your heart” of being fully committed to each other, harmony grows and an even stronger bond blooms between you both over time.
The Scarbroughs' will say this, when there is agreement within your union the power of forgiveness, tolerance, and patience is greater and things tend to run smoother. Also there will be a peace that will rest within the union. Nonetheless, a lack of agreement doesn't mean that you aren't compatible, it only means you have to develop ways to stand on common grounds (that takes being ok with surrendering your right to be right).
Remember, opinions change like the weather; because opinions are based on the facts presented at the time.
Our love and commitment (The Scarbroughs') to our union makes this statement on a daily basis..."despite a lack of understanding you at times, despite days of not seeing eye-to-eye....."I can't see myself doing life with anyone else but you".
When a couple resolve in their hearts the above-statement, it takes, no, it removes the pressure of "You always needing to be right" (in other words stop majoring in the minor things just to be right). Living in peace should mean more to you than a minute in time of “needing to be right”.
In short, don't allow something temporal to wreck the commitment made to one another "one minute in time", the day you said “I DO”. Ask yourself which minute in time is more valuable to you?