The Importance of Vulnerability
What does it mean to be vulnerable? The definition of "Vulnerable" is: open to attack, harm or damage.
When our spouse makes the decision to be vulnerable, they are saying " I've counted the cost and I am willing to open up to you at the cost of possibly being hurt. It is also an emotional statement "I am handing you a precious treasure (my vulnerability) because "I trust you with me". For our spouse to make the emotional statement "I trust you with me" that's nothing to be taken lightly. Genesis 2:25 (NLT) Now the man and his wife were both naked, but they felt no shame. Bottom line, when there is a lack of being vulnerable or an uneasiness about being vulnerable, it is a statement "I only trust you so far with me". In an Award Winning Marriage one thing we should remember, is to never take our spouse emotional and mental state for granted.
Take a few moments and ask yourself these questions.
1. Can you be trusted with your spouses vulnerabilities?
2. Do you feel comfortable exposing your vulnerabilities to your spouse?
3. Are you willing to handle your spouses' vulnerabilities with kit-gloves (compassion, love, tenderness & understanding).
Last but not least, just know when we cover our emotional vulnerabilities it builds up invisible walls that can cause hinderances in our marriage that will affect communication, family structure, trust, intimacy, goals and dreams. Hey, take a moment and do what we did, rate your vulnerability on a scale of 1-10
If you rated yourself:
1-3 - Open up more, push past the zone of being uncomfortable
4-6 - You are on the right track, keep pushing forward
7-10 - You are in a good place, continue to knock it out of the park