Eddie and Val Scarbrough Ministries



Is to bring the word of God to the fore-front of a man's mind and life and watch change take place.  We find no greater pleasure than watching the word of God transform the minds of people. (Romans 12:1-2)

 Our hearts desire is to always walk in the ordain order of God. We firmly believe in allowing Holy Spirit to guide our footsteps; therefore always having the assurance of walking in his divine destiny for our lives. 

In 1997 this ministry was birthed out of our desire to embrace the call of reconciliation. (II Corn 5:17-20) 

Our passion is to minister the truth of God to all men, whether it be the abused or the abuser, the business man or business woman, the drug addict or the drug dealer, the down trodden, the misunderstood, and anyone who feels unworthy to be called a child of God.

Like Jesus, we are called to the sick. No matter social status, economic status, race, or creed.

Our mandate is to be an ambassador for Christ, reconciling men back to God. We believe if the word of God is brought to the forefront of a man’s mind and life; subsequently, “CHANGE” will take place….



Eddie and Val

Eddie and Val