Eddie and Val Scarbrough Ministries

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Praying For Pastors

This morning I woke up thinking about pastors and praying for them(my husband prayed a couple of weeks back for the office of Pastor). I believe Pastoring is one of the hardest jobs yet fulfilling jobs ever, yet one of the most under appreciated jobs on the planet. One night as I was sleeping it was stirring in me that the Sheep doesn't always like the diet the shepherd has prepared for them; however, the shepherd, a good Shepherd that is, understands a good well-balanced diet brings forth healthy sheep.

Today my prayer are for those pastors that are constantly at the feet of Jesus getting direction, downloads, and allowing their hearts to stay pure toward the Sheep. Over the years of ministry I've heard and I've seen many people wanting to become pastors and my first question in the back of my mind is, are you ready? Because there will be ridicule, lies, the misconceptions, the misrepresentation of who you are, being ostracized, being abused(because sheep do bite), being misunderstood, your messages will be sifted, wolves will enter the fold, wheat and tarf will grow together, you will be betrayed, you will be hurt to your core and when these things happen, if you are truly called you have to push through, set your face like flint but keep your heart like flesh and continue to be Christ gift to church in the earth.

However, again I will say being a pastor is one of the most fulfilling jobs on the planet.

It is fulfilling to see lives change, light bulbs in the minds of the people come on, the word being understood at a greater degree, marriages mended, children strengthen, identities realized, and to see someone build their love for the kingdom of God, there is no high comparable to "Seeing Lives Change". No pastoring is not easy because when everyone else is asleep a pastor is praying for the parishioners, having faith for the budget, releasing their faith for growth, always keeping the vision before them, while still being a husband or wife, continuing to be a father or mother, balancing their lives while being concerned for others lives.

Pastoring, one of the most fulfilling jobs in the Earth! Pray for your pastor!

Val Scarbrough